Thursday 21 August 2008

Phone Skin

I got myself a Nokia E90 mobile phone Slip-in leather cover case today and I am very pleased with myself. Not only does it match the colour of my brown communicator, but the best part is, it only cost me $4 buckeroos! Originally it was $8, and I thought it was cheeeeap cheeeeap already, but it was late in the day, I was in the mood for bargaining things and since it was the last piece, the shop owner agreed to my request for half the price! Lo' & behold, quickly took out my wallet & shoved the dosh to the man before he changes his mind, said my thank you and went off as soon as I could, smiling all the way to my car.

For all I know, the shop owner himself might be smiling as well as I left coz he might just have made 100% or more from this sale too, coz its one of those cheap jobbies kindda make, but who cares, I'm happy. I have a replacement for my thin Oakley pouch currently protecting/shielding my mobile phone with a Cheap cheeap LEATHER phone protector, Shop owner is happy ripping me off....we'll just leave it at that...

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