Sunday 9 September 2007

My girl got her yellow!

8th September 2007

My girl got through her Taek Won Do test, remembered all her moves was promoted to Yellow belt! Good going my dearest! Both babu & ayah is so proud of you!

Aside from her Taek Won Do, she was promoted to the next intermediate level in her ballet at Studio Scene early this year, and she joins in Art Classes too. Poor babu tired out mostly sending & fetching you from your extra-curricular activities. But those are the sacrifices we have to make to make sure you have your fun and life full of your chosen activities.


Sleepless said...

Wow! am impressed..maybe i should enroll TimTim huh? she's already doing swimming and art class..i was thinking of another after school activity for her but I dont want her to be an OSC (over scheduled child)..its between music or ballet or tae kwan do or aikido??

Well Done Aisha

BobAwang said...

Well cous...I would leave the choice to her. All these choices you mentioned are good choices, and you wont go wrong if she pick one or the other.

Aishah's ECA includes ballet, swimming, art class and Taek Won Do aside from her mengaji. Most of it are her choices, hmmm actually all of it are her choices. I think that is enough without going overboard with her time for her school work. Ada udah homework cous!!!

So you should have no worries with Tim Tim if she was to pick up another ECA coz they are wonderful in absorbing these kind of things. Later on when they grow bigger, the ECA will eventually decrease and they will be good or more interested in some specific ECA.

Idea is to expose them to as many things as possible and to expose them to lots of things that they will learn to appreciate.

I'm sure you guys will figure whats best for you kidz as I know you do. Important thing is they have fun when they are kidz.

(hehehe, thinking about it, I'm surely no expert, lol)

Sleepless said...

yeah..tapi kesian cos she falls asleep in the car when we're on the way to these extra things..oh least she gets to do these things..i didnt get to do all these wonderful lessons when I was her age.

but i wouldnt trade all those wonderful times of running amuck in Rumah Semaun's garden for a piano lesson. a pity our kids dont get to climb trees or jump into drains...hahahahaha