Tuesday 14 August 2007

Minor Ops.

Had a minor operation this afternoon removing a 5 cent cyst at my back. My very first purposely cut incision on my old coming 40 body. It started as a zit on my back, but i figured that I should bug it by teasing it out. But nu uh...it refuses to break. And walla!! Six months later I got a clogged sebaceous cyst and it kindda collected the sweat and dirt. So annoyed with it bulging on my back and also preventing me from my macho-ness wearing my tight t's (why tight? One might ask....hahaha adatah tu (naik badan wang)), I just had to go the doc to get it removed.
Eksyen on the operation table macam nada sakit saja dapan the doc and nurse...tapi a few hours later, its hurting like nobody's business!! Where is the hard stuff when you need one! Hehehe. Apa ni doc? Augmentin antibiotics and panadol? Cant you see I'm in pain here!?!?!??!
Oh yeah, what came out was an almost white ball-shaped cyst as big as 5 cents. A word of advice, You folks out there.. if you feel a zit on your back, dont try to scratch it out, especially with unwashed hands, leave it to the professional...
And whatever you do, dont do this at home....(hehehe I always wanted to say that..)

P.S - I will have the result from the lab on this in 2 weeks time. Maybe I could have my part of the body back again...and do my own experiment...yeaaahhh right.. perasahan CSI kali?!



Sleepless said...

Eeeyeewwww.....that looks painful!! reminds me when I had to remove a bisul from my back AGES ago..was admitted to hospital but never made it to the OT...cos I RAN out of the hospital!!! and that was after they gave me the injection in the ward...hahahahhaa....mummy and daddy were pissed off....

in the end, daddy popped it out for me back at home. it hoitt but better than being knocked out in the OT...takut man!

Sleepless said...

p.s. oh i was only 10 or 11 years old..hehehehe..