Friday 3 August 2007


Supposed to go to Singapore this week to bring some gadgets and hardware to bring back to Brunei for depleted stocks & customers asking for it. 1GB & 2Gb Notebook RAMs, wireless Access Points, 4GB pen drives, those kinds of stuff. And at the same time meeting my bro and pal over there and hang out till the dawn breaks. But decisions are always in the last moment where I have to outweigh my time here in Brunei or my 2 days in Singapore is feasible. There is alot to do especially when it is the beginning of the month, claims needs to be followed up, deliveries needs to be done, quotations and proposals needs to be decided, money needed to be deposited and also paid out (salaries of staff, credit terms needs to be paid, etc), meetings needs to be met, it all goes on and on and on. Which is good for the company I might add, but it certainly does not give me my own time and health benefits.

I got a few people mentioned on the company being owned by me, so I can do anything I want, if I like to, I can take my own day off or two or three. Somehow it just doesn't work like that that guys. Maybe if your company is relatively unknown and young, maybe just maybe you can get away with it, but if you have a company that has been around since 1996, and had done quite abit of projects around, its very difficult to like escape to my own freewill. Reputation and dedication is questioned without doubt. Brunei is a small place I tell you and words spread like wildfires. Be it good words or ugly words, it will soon bounce back to your ears. Good for free advertisements, but bad for reputation at stake.

So my decisions are purely based on instinct and timing as well as the measure of funds alotted for a quick pro & cons of buying now or later or not ever. And it has to be done perfectly to slot into my busy schedule.

Somehow I will have to slot in a trip to Singapore early next week, its either that time or never coz my schedule looks to be extremely full up after late next week. I must have my short break from everything as I know I will have a long long time till the next break which looks to be in December 2007.

As a post seems so dull without a picture, I purposely inserted a picture of my server rack fitted in with Dell managed gigabit network switches and router, Dell Network Access Storage, ISS Intrusion Detection/Prevention System, and Dell Server which has absolutely nothing to do with this article. Hahaha. This is my current system running my entire offices, and yes I do need more servers soon.

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