Friday 31 August 2007

Have you ever Wondered?

Have you ever wondered or at least noticed that the 2nd born is usually different from the other siblings? In what way if you'd ask me back. Well..this is the thing. I have always noticed and especially observed not only from my own siblings but from other observations as well, that the 2nd born is different in some way or another. Different doesn't mean anything bad I have to add. But they are different sometimes in character, attitude, thinking and socialising, etc. Its not to say that they are entirely different to the next person, but they have traits which is sometime out of the ordinary.

They are usually quiet, geniuses in some way or another, sometimes peculiarly dressed or well dressed or even the reverse, unkempt. Their thoughts are sometimes unique bordering philosophical intelligence, brilliant in terms of argumentative points, and mathematically up there with the best.

Even their sense of concentration is dumbfounded, sometimes insatiably one tracked minded. And yet, sometimes one can be annoyed by such characteristics. But then again, its that kind of uniqueness that brings about the best in that person.

John Locke said that Man is homogeneous as a whole, but its these kinds of "geniuses" that is exceptional from the rest. Whether they are viewed as wierd, eccentric, odd, bizarre, outlandish, extraordinary, peculiar, mysterious, exotic, foreign or even simply put different, they are an unknown talent and a mystery especially noted on 2nd born. Why on 2nd borns, I dont know, but its interesting to find out.

But hey, its just my observations, an observation that I have been looking at for many years now and still perplexed by the consistency of such behavior on 2nd born. If anyone out there can comment on this or even provide me with an explanation, I would be really grateful. Its like a kind of itch that wont go away where you want to know why.

Try and notice this phenomenon and see for yourselves.


Gadgetski said...

I'm a second born so explain to me what went wrong there?!

BobAwang said...

Nothing is wrong, its just that you're one of those unexplained geniouses. ;)

Sleepless said...

im second born too..

BobAwang said...

Yeap....I rest my case. Pandai kan?