Monday 6 August 2007

Muh Li' Er

One of the many gadgets I own to light up my fags. Yeap, its been with me for a few months now and it seems that its going to finish in say a month's time? This Thailand made "Alladin" gadget is cool in a way it consistently handles the lighting up of my ciggies, and once in a while borrowed to light up the pile of rubbish, twigs and dead leaves around the house to provide additional fumes to the now depleted ozone. The cost of this gadget? One Brunei dollar! Expensive, but very reliable from the ones sold for a dollar for 3 pieces made in Indonesia which breaks down after a few light ups.

So if you guys smoke or need a reliable lighter, go for Alladin lighters usually sold in kadai runcits, sitting close to the cashier and well wrapped in plastic.

Alladin Lighter : B$1
Picture taken by Nokia E90 :B$1414
Time Taken to take picture: 3 seconds and a bit
Time in a day: Taken when work became boring
Value of the picture: Priceless!